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Battlefront 2 campaign walkthrough

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In orbit of Vardos, a loyal planet in the Jinata system, the Admiral reveals to Iden that the Emperor is dead, and shares with her the Emperor's last command, relayed by a Messenger droid displaying a hologram of the Emperor in its visor: Operation: Cinder is to begin at once. Admiral Garrick Versio orders Inferno to evacuate and survive Hask and Meeko return to the Corvus while Iden is brought to her father's Star Destroyer, the Eviscerator. Vice Admiral Sloane orders a full retreat of the Imperial fleet out of the system. Some time later, Inferno participates in the Battle of Endor, witnessing the destruction of the Death Star II. This triggers an alarm, but Iden escapes aboard the Corvus, regrouping with Agents Gideon Hask, her second-in-command, and Del Meeko and her crew. Iden sneaks to the cruiser's computer, where she deletes an intercepted message from Moff Raythe regarding the Empire's trap at Endor. After he leaves, Iden remotely activates her droid, which frees her. Iden Versio, commander of Inferno Squad, is interrogated aboard the Rebel cruiser Invincible Faith the captain suggests she joins the Rebellion while trying to get out of her access codes to her droid.